Friday, April 22, 2011


In honor of Brando's birthday, I decided to repickup my recently decluttered spaces. I can't believe they got  that bad in such a short time, but they did. The fortunate part is how EASY they were to pick up since they were already decluttered. All that was there was trash, dirty clothes, and things to put away. Sound kind of gross? Yeah. But it's picked up now.

Our bedroom before
 Our bedroom after - and with a decent white balance
Our lobby/office area before 
Our lobby/office area after 
 after - with Brando's birthday gifts!
 Shoe area/hallway before
 Kitchen island before
 Living room before

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Two in One

Yesterday, I did my office. Brando came up with the brilliant idea of putting the photos together side by side in a before and after duo. A "Bam!" in-your-face kinda before and after. I love it. Now to just figure out how to do it. Sorry to tease you, but I haven't yet!

Here are many different angles of the before of the desk:

The insane amounts of trash from those surfaces:

This trash is from the bookcase alone:

That small, tiny, seemingly harmless wooden mailbox divider? Held this disgusting amount of stuff.

An in-between thought-I-was-done few shots, but then realized the Pokemon poster still cluttered things up way too much and the magnets on the board were all wonky:

And, finally, the finished product. Whew!

For today, my project was much simpler, as I've already had a busy day. It involved the dresser that holds the boys room... in our living room. Yes, it's the way we keep their clothes from piling up on their dresser like crazy-town -- by being able to monitor it on a daily basis. Even then, it gets this bad, which isn't too bad considering the horrific mess I just showed you:

I put away all the stuff, removed the hook falling off from the wall, and threw all the trash:

And the finished product, with an added puppy:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Themes I Like

Misty Look

Ocean Mist


Tarski (Current)

This is what portions of the house look like 90% of the time

Most times we start out with all good intentions of keeping things clear, but unless it's VERY CLEARLY decorated it normally doesn't stay that way. This is how it ends up 90% of the time:

Fortunately, as long as we started with a clean slate, it's easy to get it back there. If we didn't start with a clean slate (such as the piles of ... in the garage) that's another story.

First, I put the few items of clothing away. Then, since trash was the majority of the culprit here I immediately attacked it. All this trash sat on top of that one lonely counter. Crazy.

Finally, I found a home for the pillows, the fan, and the guitar hero guitar.

Here is my fabulous after. The beach towels don't really have a home and they add a pop of color in an otherwise completely neutral area, so there they stay until they have a proper basket. Oh, and I listed the TV on Craigslist, so that will either be sold or donated soon.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Keeping Things Tidy

Our room looks like this a majority of the time.

All those outfits I have to go through to find the one. That's how it works. Today, I'd had enough. First I sorted through all the clothes hanging up the clean ones and putting the dirty ones in a laundry pile. Then, I put away random items like the lotion, computer fan, Trader Joe's bag and contents, the computer cord, the evening purse, and  the blanket and the suitcase on the floor. Finally, I went through the paperwork and threw out the trash (most of it) and put the rest on my desk. Ta-da!

Oh, you can see the final arrangement Brando did from the previous post on the dresser in the photo above. Love his eye for arranging decorative items!
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