Yesterday, I did my office. Brando came up with the brilliant idea of putting the photos together side by side in a before and after duo. A "Bam!" in-your-face kinda before and after. I love it. Now to just figure out how to do it. Sorry to tease you, but I haven't yet!
Here are many different angles of the before of the desk:
The insane amounts of trash from those surfaces:
This trash is from the bookcase alone:
That small, tiny, seemingly harmless wooden mailbox divider? Held this disgusting amount of stuff.
An in-between thought-I-was-done few shots, but then realized the Pokemon poster still cluttered things up way too much and the magnets on the board were all wonky:
And, finally, the finished product. Whew!
For today, my project was much simpler, as I've already had a busy day. It involved the dresser that holds the boys room... in our living room. Yes, it's the way we keep their clothes from piling up on their dresser like crazy-town -- by being able to monitor it on a daily basis. Even then, it gets this bad, which isn't too bad considering the horrific mess I just showed you:
I put away all the stuff, removed the hook falling off from the wall, and threw all the trash:
And the finished product, with an added puppy:
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