Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This is what portions of the house look like 90% of the time

Most times we start out with all good intentions of keeping things clear, but unless it's VERY CLEARLY decorated it normally doesn't stay that way. This is how it ends up 90% of the time:

Fortunately, as long as we started with a clean slate, it's easy to get it back there. If we didn't start with a clean slate (such as the piles of ... in the garage) that's another story.

First, I put the few items of clothing away. Then, since trash was the majority of the culprit here I immediately attacked it. All this trash sat on top of that one lonely counter. Crazy.

Finally, I found a home for the pillows, the fan, and the guitar hero guitar.

Here is my fabulous after. The beach towels don't really have a home and they add a pop of color in an otherwise completely neutral area, so there they stay until they have a proper basket. Oh, and I listed the TV on Craigslist, so that will either be sold or donated soon.

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